Dr Bill Deagle, Dr William Pawluk, Dr Bob Dennis

Host- Dr Bill Deagle Guest: Dr William Pawluk and Dr Bob Dennis

Welcome back to the Nutrimedic Report, (music) and information, and a remarkable visit today with Dr. William Pawluk and Dr. Bob Dennis. Dennis, tell us about your background. You did some research on the structural integrity of tissue as – under the influence of pulsed magnetic fields with NASA. You have collaborated in the development of the SomaPulse, which is the cleanest single divide ratio stimulant of stem cell rejuvenating energy to tissues and organs. I guess, the percentage we talked about, the 400% increase of stem cell activation.

Tell us a little about the background about how was it discovered, because you approached it from the point of view of the scientist and skeptic.

Welcome back to the program, Dr. William Pawluk, we’re just talking to Dr. Bob Dennis.

Tell us a little about the background, Dr. Bob, in terms of your ability to look at this skeptically at first, then start finding data that indicated that the magnetic fields have a really powerful effect in biology. In fact, we know that in any deep-space travel, they’re now talking about that. I was looking at a NASA special just the other day, about long-term projects for NASA to develop deep-space craft to travel not just to Mars, but to other planets and moons in the solar system; to set up a new engineering to help these planets become much more habitable for human life; and for mining operations, et cetera; and scientific research. There is no way that human beings can travel without the pulsed magnetic field of Earth, of human resonance. Tell me the background of your work and what you discovered.

Dr. Bob Dennis:
It’s interesting that you mentioned that, NASA actually just put out an RFA, just a request for applications, for grant proposals for long duration space travel; on the surface of it was for exercise in other preventives, a new generative preventive mode, that as a grant bill come out, that’s gonna be funded some time in the next year, they passed two, actually. In about two weeks, I’ll be putting in a proposal for that. And I haven’t really done much research with NASA in the last two years, because I’ve been working on other things. The backgrounds of all of this research, probably one of the things that led to the grant coming out right now that they’re requesting for, is this early work that I did with pulsed magnetic fields and with some folks at NASA; and they have actually called me up mostly as a biomedical instrument designer, so I design things to be implanted in animals to take measurements or to go at cell culture to take measurements and provide different types of stimulation to try to promote cell growth.

And the guys at NASA Johnson Space Center asked me to see if I could come up with a way to magnetically stimulate human cells in culture, and my feeling at the time was that the magnetic stimulation of cells didn’t make a lot of sense physically. So being a skeptic that I am, I said, “I really don’t think it would work.” But they prevailed upon me to focus on it and see if I could come up with something that will work, so I reviewed the literature, it’s over 650 papers actually, it took me more than a year to do that. The literature is very clear on this subject, so I really entered it as a skeptic, but over the course of about a three-year experiment where we ran double-blind studies using existing, but also new, completely novel waveforms that I developed based on what was not in the literature, because there’s a lot of stuff that was never studied, so I thought it would deserve so much attention as things that have been published.

We actually found a fairly significant range in the parameter domain space, there’s about six different parameters you have to control while you’re putting in magnetic pulses in the tissues that actually had a very significant impact on the growth cycle and on gene expression and on protein formation in stem cells in culture. We did this at NASA, so I don’t own the instrumentation for it, and it was ran as a double-blind experiment. Really, I honestly believed that I was gonna prove that it didn’t work, and that’s what I was trying to do. I was strenously attempting to prove categorically that there was no truth to it, but as it often happens in science, you’re wrong. The heart of science is being able to be wrong and then put up…

Dr. Dennis, tell us why, in part, it would be wrong?

Dr. Dennis:
Well, I didn’t think that cells as we know, I’m not talking about eukaryotic cells, I’m talking about human cells, mammarian cells, for all intents and purposes, they’re similar to a mouse or for any other mammal. I just didn’t see how the cells could transduce the energy. There are cells in nature that could detect magnetic fields, and that’s well established now, in particular, there are magneto-bacteria that align themselves at magnetic fields and so forth. I wasn’t as well aware of it at the time, and I thought that it was just something that was extremely unlikely. And then compounded with that, I felt the literature, the quality of the literature in that area, and I went back to about 18 – well, actually the earliest I read, the 1791 from Galvani, who was doing work based on what Benjamin Franklin have done before him, and all the way to modern times, in multiple languages. And to me the literature, as it related to promoting positive growth in cells and tissues with magnetic fields is very poor. There’s a very rich literature promoting growth and driving phenotyping tissues using electrical stimulation, and that’s somewhat well understood how that works, but the magnetic link to that to me at that time was not clear, and so I’m skeptical.

You have an engineering thesis as to how pulsed magnetic fields have an effect on biological molecules, tissues and organs?

Dr. Dennis:
Well, actually I have a brilliant graduate student right now, his name is Devin Hubbard, he’d be mortified if he knew I just said his name on the radio, but he is really one of the smartest people I’ve ever met. And he actually comes to biomedical engineering through, by way of analytical chemistry. Very, very smart. And he’s doing his dissertation on exactly this topic, and he’s working with me and also with other people on this committee that try to sort out what exactly the molecular mechanisms are at the cellular level. We think we understand it now, actually, we recently published a paper, which people could get reprints of. Some of the long, recent research not done by us but others, is actually pretty good. I’ve seen the research on pulsed magnetic fields in the last few years, from what I read, has become much more scholarly, much more skeptical in a healthy way, much more quantitative. Do you know what I mean?

Right. And also, you discovered some ways of measuring the effect of different parameters that you used, for example, in the design of the SomaPulse, you were trying to improve what’s called the signal to light ratio, so you have the maximum biological effect.

Dr. Dennis:
That’s exactly right.

Thirty years ago, I’ve been working with a pulsed magnetic machine from Poland, I think in Calgary, Alberta, because I’m dual citizen, and I put together a series that we presented to the program of biophysics at the University of Calgary, Dr. Roland and some others, and what I presented I called the phonon maser operant biophysical explanation of a cell biology. And what it basically meant is that biological molecules vibrate at different spectra, which where we use spectroscopy in chemistry, because I came from the point of view as a biochemist to chemist.

The tissues in organic structures act as a frequency coupled harmonic capacitor. And that means that at specific frequencies, they’re coupled frequency, there’s a coupling even at the structure of the cells, tissues, even the brain structure of human beings, to the human resonance at frequencies of the planet. And those frequencies actually determine the structure of the biology of organisms, and what they do is they tend to, because they have this coupling effect, they brush electrons to the order to increase chemical reactions of the kanax (music) without that reaction, the rado-chemical reactions drop significantly and it acts as a way of an informational transfer to the center of the brain, to gene complex, to…

(indiscernible, music playing).

We’re back. Dr. Dennis, I know we’re getting technical there, but I think it’s important before we get into some of the issues, to kind of make people understand just how, Buck Rogers, this technology is. I mean, when you went into this skeptically you realize that you discovered something, which is almost like the open sesame for Ali Baba’s cave. I just got a notice this morning from Dr. Ron Klatz, he’s the head of American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine. In this April, I think around the 10th, before he keys in an A4M conference, but there’s a special day, that’s a Saturday in Orlando, where all the top doctors put together all the theories of what aging is. I believe that we’re putting the final pieces together of the biological basis of senescence. I’m gonna say this, within our generation, we’ll probably last maybe 10 years, the idea of human senescence will basically be a disease that will be put to an end. And 90% of people that die, die of one form or another of senescence, whether it’s heart disease, Alzheimer’s, compression fractures, degenerative immune system failures so they get super infections. Basically, 90%-plus of all deaths is caused in a sense by one form or another of senescence or decreased renewal of tissues on organs. Could you give us a little expansion in more simple terms, rather than all the fancy technical stuff, that will convince people that if they had something like the SomaPulse, to the technology to try to heal their body, they’re gonna get some dramatic results.

Dr. Dennis:
Actually, I presented a paper at the Society for Engineered Negligible Senescence at Cambridge, England, about a year ago. The paper was based on concept that aging is actually death by a thousand cuts.

That’s a really excellent idea.

Dr. Dennis:
It’s a series of insults for the body over time that causes this gradual step-down process of aging. That’s all based on another concept called cell injury. So when you injure a cell, there are certain phenomena that happen naturally with cell aging or cell injury. Those cell injury phenomena has to be reversed, and if you initiate therapy or initiate a treatment process early in the cell injury process, you can reverse the cell injury. Once it gets to a certain point, it’s no longer reversible. And if you have enough cells in an organ or a tissue that have gotten past the point of recoverability, then you’re not going to be able to heal it to the maximum extent possible. Obviously, you could still heal it, but you won’t be able to heal it to the maximum extent possible.

Some of the key processes that magnetic therapies can stimulate, such as improved circulation, such as reduction in edemas, such as improved metabolism, such as RNA and DNA stimulation. In other words, this is what the SomaPulse does, it basically stimulates the growth process of the cell, which reverses the cell aging process, the cell injury process. By doing that, you will actually reverse aging, but you have to do it everyday. Not just now and then, when you have a cold or a flu or have an injury. If you do it every single day – We have 70 trillion cells in our body, there are over 2,000 chemical processes happening per second at every single cell. You can’t be doing it for the things when you say you have an ache or a pain. I tell my patients, if you’ve got a pain, an ingrown toenail at your left little toe, how many cells have to be injured before you notice that you have an ingrown toenail? And the answer is, millions. Out of 70 trillion cells in the body, you’re talking about millions of cells are injured by the time you even notice you have the injury, the ingrown toenail or the paining nails.

But if you’re doing magnetic therapy on a regular basis, you’re going to be fixing cells before they get to a point of unrecoverability.

Yes, that’s it. Great plan. The other thing that’s really interesting about your theory and approaches, you catch tissues and organs before they have – not only the pathology, but the pre-pathology biochemical changes, whether it’s cancer or cell pathogens, at a chemical level. An approach where you’re charging up the tissues so they have more electrons, more ATP or NAD, more energy on molecules. You’re allowing those cells, whether they’re stem cells, to tunnel in and differentiate. You’re allowing the tissue to detox, and you’re expressing the genes which are a cross-talk between the mitochondria and specific gene complexes. So literally, the process of senescence is significantly slowed because the cell is able to repair and replace the mitochondria organelles beside the cell.

Dr. Dennis:
Before it reaches the level of irreversible injury.

Yes, that’s really amazing. I really believe that this, combined with the right nutraceuticals, I call it the power of one: Oxygen, mild hyperbaric oxygen is very, very powerful. The power of nutraceuticals or gene-based nutraceutical therapies, as we have in our nutrimeds; energetic technologies, like SomaPulse; and then the addition of things such as stem cell therapy, and a lot of the stem cell activation things we have now are Silver 100. We have now realized there’s special peptides, after Dr. Peter Pauli. We can release those peptides with nutriadide or diatomic iodine. We can release it with HGH micro-dose growth hormones, with things like c-arginine, with our Super Nox, which is specially engineered to release growth hormone and other peptides. And things like Berber statin that are released, which is an age-control peptide that lengthens telomeres and reverses, according to Dr. Peter Pauli’s pathology research, it reverses damage and spermatogenesis, and shows actual reversing at the sites of the brain, the heart muscle, et cetera, and might have been sacrificed, this research has been completed over a year ago.

What we’re seeing is that, we’re realizing that life is really a dance with energy. And that energy, when you charge up the cells, changes the whole equation of what a cell and what living things are.

Dr. Dennis:
Couldn’t have said it better myself.

Tell us more about what you have seen as a doctor, Dr. Pawluk, what do you see is in your practice? Because head to toe, we apply this. We’re seeing amazing effects. What do you see in your practice?

While we’re doing that, Dr. Dennis, if you can give us some ideas on where the NASA research is going? All people think going into deep space is useless, a waste of time, but what it does is dissect apart the elements of what it is to be a living organism. We have to take apart of the Earth, which is a human resonance of magnetic pulse spectral frequencies, even to maintain our biologies. It’s not something that’s just a chemical reaction occurring by whizzing molecules, transferring electrons, breaking and making bonds in our cells. It’s much more complex to dance with the light energy, electromagnetic pulses or electron transfers, that are much more elegant. There’s a much greater bandwidth of information being transferred across our cell membranes, so your eyes are not the size of a pea or a dinner plate. That the architecture of how to build and to make every organ and tissue, and constantly rebuild it everyday, is recorded almost in the sense, in a light code, in your DNA; which is really, really elegant. It’s really amazing, isn’t it?

Dr. Dennis:
I think that’s tremendously amazing. And you were making comments earlier on the information blocks and some of the information on interaction with extracellular matrix. That tells you how important it is, because that’s the cellular matrix, specifically you were talking about collagen. It’s essential to have that network. And this is what we lose in our research when we look at individual cells. When we lose that entire system approach, which includes the ECM, because it’s not organized in the same way as an actual organism does. And so yes, very interesting.


Welcome back, and to the Nutrimedic Report, and we’re joined by Dr. Bob Dennis and Dr. William Pawluk. After all the scientific information in the first half, let’s make it very practical. Dr. Bill Pawluk, what are the practical applications that SomaPulse are you trying personally for yourself and Dr. Bob Dennis? And in your practice, the average person listening let’s say, has arthritis, glaucoma, I recently consulted a man that’s been in years who had a retinal vein obstruction, and I would say this would be an excellent tool to help him heal. He took the injections of the Vastin, which is the drug that has lots of black box warnings, but was touted for a while as very helpful for cancer. What I think though, whether it’s a traumatic brain injury or concussion, a fracture, osteoporosis, whether pulsed magnetic fields help fill up the bone matrix, that this is going to be an amazing tool for virtually any health condition you can imagine from head to toe.

Dr. Pawluk:
It’s amazing, as you said, for any health condition. We always say that, nothing can be that good. If it’s that good, it’s just not true. But what we’re talking about is basic biology. We’re talking about whether you’re a snail or a plant or a dog or a human, you’re gonna have basic biologic effects from these magnetic therapies, these fields, the stimulation of the tissues. It really doesn’t matter what the condition is; sure, different conditions are going to express different pathologies in the body, and that’s why medicine gives them labels. But if you strip off the label, and you look at what’s actually going on at the cell level, there’s a huge amount of commonality. And so, magnetic therapy can basically be used for almost anything.

Now, will it help everything? Obviously, the longer you wait to start using it, we talked about cell aging or cell injury and aging, the more you use it, the earlier you’re going to get a result, the better the result is going to be. If you wait till your leg is dropping off, it’s going to be pretty hard to get it back on again.

Yes. I talked to a lady, believe it or not yesterday, and she has very bad osteoporosis. When I talked to her, she sounded like a lady in her late 30s or early 40s, but she’s 68. And she had a bone densitometry study where it showed very focal weakness in particular areas, there are surgical net for her hips and certain areas where there are thoracic lumbar spine. I told her, if you get a SomaPulse; take her bone crystals bone generator which she could carry from New Zealand, My Cell D3, CollagenMax, which triples the rate of the protein adroxynase enzyme; Mountain Red Deer Velvet, high dose Power C, which is the only neutral vitamin C in the world; and along with liquianone 7, which should amplify the effect of vitamin C in induction of collagen in connective tissues. Along with the CollagenMax we bring in from Switzerland, and use SomaPulse over those areas, and you’re going to use it diligently, you can’t just play around and take it once in a while.

Dr. Pawluk:
Gotta be everyday, it may have to be an hour or two hours a day.

Right. And I said to her, I’ve been prescribing pulsed magnetic therapy for over 25 years, from a lab out of Phoenix, for spinal problems, and then later they get the approval for fractures or micro fractures. But I believe that, say osteoporosis, is a perfect example of post-op recovery people, traumatic concussions to the brain, full surgical recovery, even stimulating new cardiomyocytes to develop in some with heart failure or kidney disease. I believe that if we give the body a chance in the building blocks, that the body will heal itself, it’s almost like that movie, if you build it, they will come. If you lay down the building blocks and provide the energetics to tissues, no matter whether you’re 8 or 80, they’ll start to heal.

Dr. Pawluk:
I believe that’s absolutely true. If I can just comment on that, that realization really, was the guiding philosophy for me when I started doing tissue engineering and research about 15 years ago. Rather than trying to force tissues to do things, you simply have to give them the right environment, the right cues, and these can be very subtle, and then you kind of count it on the way. That’s the direction where the research is finally starting to head and now, you’re absolutely right.

Yes. Now, one of the formulas I’m working on for 2013 with our lab out of Phoenix, that started out of Orlando, Florida, is a re-engineering of one of our top products called Mountain Red Deer Velvet in New Zealand, to preserve several classes of molecules to make a higher concentration be dialyzable, so it’s not just destroyed by the gap or partially destroyed. And you get more of these molecules that end up dialyzed as soon as it get walled into the circulation, into the target tissues. Eventually, I want to make the surgical version that can be implanted via surgery or even intravenously infused by castering into an area, let’s say an eye or the brain or a target organ that’s been injured.

The idea would be a stem cell scaffold, think of the body as, you provide the energetics, you provide the scaffolding, and then maybe what you’ve done is taken a bone marrow or flow cytography sample of the blood, separate out the stem cells, multiply the millions of times that we re-infuse a week or two later to the target tissue, and the tissues start to regenerate. But you need the scaffolding there, you need the energetics. And the energetics come from SomaPulse. That’s what it needs. The SomaPulse provides that energetic that says, “Hey, there’s enough gas in the tank in the stem cells.” There’s enough signal going on, signaling millions to actually tell the cell how to tunnel into the tissue, what to differentiate into, and then how it limit its growth and to make sure that it develops the proper proteins and structural proteins to become a specific cell, organ and tissue act appropriately.

Could you give us examples for not only for NASA or deep space, but somebody, say, in the ICU. Because where I see things going in the next 10 or 20 years is, instead of the scoop-and-run ambulances, I see hyperbaric ambulances that will have scanner fields in the ambulance. They’ll be using things like, they put the patients in suspended animation, like reverse T3 and other bio molecules to quench free radicals. So that when they have a cardiac arrest, a gunshot wound or a traumatic injury, they don’t go into the free radical storm that destroys tissues and organs. When a patient is put in a medical coma over the next few days to a week or so, you slowly regenerate the tissues and organs’ reaction, you wait for them, wake them back up just like Sleeping Beauty while the tissues were regenerating. That’s where I kind of see things going.

Dr. Pawluk:
Let me give you a crash course series I just had recently. I like the idea of ICUs and ambulances that are using PEMFs, but I think the reality is, it’s going to be a long time before we realize that, given the – certainly, the politics and the economics of medicine. But on a personal level, today, not tomorrow, but today, let me tell you that my wife was slammed against a bunch of boxes recently, and had a whopping tendonitis of her forearm. She put on her SomaPulse, and worn 24/7, 48 hours later, it was completely gone. She could barely raise her hand, she could barely clench her first, she couldn’t open a jar, she couldn’t use a knife to cut a steak or something like that. She was in extreme pain, and 48 hours later, gone. You and I are doctors, you know that if you have that kind of whopping tendonitis, it’s going to take you a week or two weeks at least to get better with the conventional approach.

Yes, which is the anti-inflammatories, rest splints and ice and all the other things.

Dr. Pawluk:
You know what, she didn’t use anything else.

Right. And the interesting thing about what you’re talking about, is you’re not covering up symptoms like making it numb or taking pain pills. You’re actually fixing the process structurally, so the pain goes away because the problem has gone away.

Dr. Pawluk:
Exactly. That’s the whole improvement, it’s the repair. It’s in repairing cell injury to get the inflammations out.

That’s what’s amazing. One of the first things I see in this interview right is the point of having the scaler things there. But I really believe that, I call them rejuvenation centers, where ambulatory people will be going to these and we’re going to start, for example, at our Academy for Anti-Aging Medicine, you can do liposuction and separate the stem cells and get them back to people either by direct injections or via intravenous immediately. If you have the energetic technologies, if you have the oxygen, the mild hyperbaric oxygen, if you have the right nutraceuticals, those tissues will start regenerating. The problem is people are eating garbage foods or loading up with sugar, which paralyze your immune system. They’re getting wrong scaler signals because we’re now living at electromagnetic world with smart meters, cellphones, WiFi networks and dirty electricity, and it’s jamming their cellular communication. Can you make any comments on that?

Dr. Pawluk:
And what would the SomaPulse do for that?

It resets it. What I noticed, back in November 2010, they put a smart meter without my knowledge on the other side of my wall, 10 feet from my desk in my studio, and I immediately developed really bad insomnia. And of course, once I found out what was going on, about six months later I fought them, another time they even threatened me that they’re going to do everything from putting me in jail to (music) all the stuff. Suing all the lawyers in their company, which I am now in the process of filing a federal lawsuit against California Public Utilities and San Diego Gas and Electric. The bottomline is, the SomaPulse actually resets your cells against electromagnetic pollution. There’s nothing like it. It’s actually like a reset button for your cells in your body.


Welcome back to the nutranetic report, with some practical ideas with all those whizz-bang Buck Rogers science. The SomaPulse is available right today, you can get it for under $1,400. It is what I would say, one in your tool chests, the most important things for what I call, zero senescence. And I emailed Dr. Ron Klatz today, that I want to present in April, my latest theory on aging, which is based on all the congruence of all this research. Showing that cross- mitochondria and specific genes, the talemeres and other epic phenomena that you can now measure through places like spectrocell labs and TLC labs. Other labs that are measuring – we have the nutraceutical site Micro D2, Anti-Age Max, NUM, et cetera, that we know directly affect talemeres, and we have Cell Detox, glutathione, NutraTalen Regenerax.

The scale of energetic technologies that clean the signal device ratio, the more affordable of all the pulsed magnetic devices is the SomaPulse. And I take mine actually, and I go into my hyperbaric chamber. I’m telling you that I went in there for a half hour this morning before the show, I’m going to back in, because when you use hyperbaric oxygen along with pulsed energetics and you’ve taken your nutraceuticals, you’ve brought all the components together: The structural proteins and the building blocks and the scaffolding, you’ve brought the enzymatic protection, you have the oxygen, now you have the energetics, the body can’t help but heal. And sometimes, healing even old lesions that aren’t yet a “disease” or even a symptom, years before it can develop. That’s one of the problems, our whole approach to medicine is to treat things at the tail end. It’s like having a pit stop, but we only treat the car, when the wheels are about to fall off the racing car. You can’t do that. At a real race, you have to be able to have a pit stop for yourselves or continually being repaired everyday, and you’re intervening well before there’s even pathology.

Dr. Pawluk:
I have a patient, that has a severe chronic asthma. And he was under the care of a specialist doctor at a major university medical center, who has been retired and they’re coming to see me, because they want to take a more holistic approach. And we put him on a SomaPulse, which he actually uses over his chest, over the upper part of his chest. Not only is he stimulating his thymus gland, but what he’s doing is he’s actually treating the bronchial passages that are part of the problem. And in this past winter, he’s had the best winter he’s ever had. He had the fewest number of infections, and when he did have any kind of infection, he’s recovered from it rapidly. As we all know, anyone who has chronic asthma or chronic bronchitis or emphysema, one of the biggest risks for them is the infection. Every time they have an infection, you worsen the process. You get worse and worse every time. He’s worn the SomaPulse on a regular basis, every single day. He found that it prevents him from having anywhere near the kinds of problems he had in the past year.

Right. What I would do in that case, for example, is add to that our NutrioDine diatomic iodine, and iodine, Allimax, Allimed and Silver 100, and give him a mini which is equivalent to IVIG ImmunoMax or NutroImmune; anti-inflammatory cell defense and free radical blockers such as Cell Detox glutathione, which is cellular glutathione, it’s more powerful than IV glutathione; Nutriwell, along acting ELA. What happens is that you also get rid of pathogens, get rid of cells’ pathogens such as microbacteria and rhinovirus subclass 3, which we know in chronic bronchial and respiratory bronchial and airway infections, induces release of leukotrienes B4 and D4 that causes chronic asthma.

So the approach needs to be far more molecular and holistic. I don’t really consider this as alternative medicine, I consider it as a comprehensive molecular and functional medicine. It’s where medicine is moving. That we’re going to see many more engineering approaches toward medicine, many more non-linear system approaches, many more dealing with what I call the quantum basis biology. Rather than just looking at it as an organ, almost like an engine.

Dr. Pawluk:
Unfortunately, we cannot wait for the FDA to guide us.

No. If anything, they’re basically an obstruction to innovation.

Dr. Pawluk:
Truer words were never spoken.

For example, if NASA waited when they’re doing interventions to bring us – let’s say, we want to have a long-term mission to Mars, and one maintained them at a low, let’s call them a hypo-magnetic field environment. In order to have cities, in order to new engineer the plant to actually create a world with water and cities and trees and birds and everything else, you have to literally recreate a magnetic field generator on the planet that can support life. Spaceships traveling to deep space to the nearest star Alpha Centauri, 4.3 light years away, even our ion jets, it’s going to take 70 to 100 years to get there. Well, if there’s a jet, transgenerational super ships that we build in space, they have to have pulsed magnetic field or their biology will fall apart.

In other words, things like the little Rochelle Wally, that showed the degradation of planet Earth to trash, and then we have to travel to deep space. Part of the reason why they got fat is they probably didn’t have a pulsed magnetic field generation or was inadequate. Obesity and diabetes are a side effect of hypo-magnetism. That was discovered when they make new metal boxes, and they put animals in them, one of the first things that happen to them is they become obese and diabetic.

Dr. Pawluk:
That’s very interesting. This whole magneto-biology and astro-biology is a very young science. Not a lot of people really committed it, and we just haven’t had the time to have the knowledge.

With science, a lot of people think it’s a waste of time going into space, when in fact, in order for us to understand what we are, the very nature of life itself, the only way to find out is go into space and literally tease apart the factors that allows you to exist. That’s why I think is really kind of funny, in fact when people say that, the only way for us to develop a new fusion energy rocket systems, I’m talking about fusion reactors, to develop space travel, to be able to have people adapt to deep-space environments, and to be able to actually protect our planet from space objects and other things, is for us to take a hold – and I don’t like to use the word, evolution, I like to talk about directed recreative engineering.

In other words, human beings are going to take over their own biology. We’re going to start upgrading our mitochondria, so we don’t end up with mitochrondias that degrade or have problems. We already see that happening now, where there’s been stories of children born, where the mitochondria for the eggs in the mother have been donated from a mother that didn’t have mitochondrial defects in her eggs, and the mother’s cell biology was involved and the father, but then there was no genetic defective mitochondria transferred unto the child. That’s gonna be upgraded. You’re not gonna see like a Spider-Man generation, I don’t wanna see trans-humanism. But I really believe that any genetic defects that cause disease, even things like stem cells, with the 21st chromosome removed from Down Syndrome, I would like to see some day my daughter with Down Syndrome, have her own stem cells back without the 21st chromosome, and then goes through scaler energetics to try to help her heal, so she doesn’t die prematurely of heart disease or Alzheimer’s or other oxidative stress disorders to us by the extra CQ21 22, long 21st chromosome causing gene dosage problems.

Limitations such as IQ, limitations such as sports abilities, et cetera, and the idea that human senescence literally will cease to be. Literally. I believe this year is the start of the end of senescence. That most of what we call aging really isn’t necessary at all. People who die of stupidity and accidents, actuarial tables figured out that if the average person without senescence, the average person will only live 475 years; and only one in 10,000 would live 10,000 years at the current level of stupidity and arrogance and world wars. So even the people that didn’t even age at all, they would die of stupid things.

Dr. Pawluk:
Yes. And premature aging itself nowadays is a result of bad decision, not IQ.

I believe our population is aging faster. The Russians, I found this out from my classified resource, Russians have done research on, added some gene activation using scaler energy, and the Russians are way ahead. The Radio Magnetic Institute in Moscow has been doing this since the 1920s, and they’ve developed all kinds of technologies, including the lighter machine and the Delta T antenna, and other things for psychotronic research. A lot of the things that we’ve considered paranormal, in fact, are just part of our biology. Interesting, eh?

Dr. Pawluk:
Absolutely. That’s really true, things we’ve considered magical or paranormal.

Yes, just like sensing a storm coming, for example, for a native person is almost like, let’s say, the magnetic sensors in their brain…

Dr. Pawluk:
There’s many examples of this throughout human history. Polynesians to widely dispersed small islands all throughout the South Pacific, stories of them just being dunking themselves in the water and getting a sense for where they needed to go in finding land, in the middle of nowhere.

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Thank you, Dr. Bob Dennis, Dr. William Pawluk. Amazing interview from the highly technical to the practical. We’ll have you back on soon. Back in a moment, hour number 2.