Heart Disease Studied With PEMF ElectroMagnetic Therapy

Heart Disease Studied With PEMF ElectroMagnetic Therapy

Results of this study found that the addition of magneto therapy to the treatment of patients suffering from ischemic heart disease and osteochondrosis led to clinical improvements.

I. Rodin, et al., “Use of Low-Intensity Eddy Magnetic Field in the Treatment of Patients with Skin Lymphomas,”Voen Med Zh, 317(12), 1996, . 32-34. 124

Results of this study involving 23 parasystolic children found that low-frequency magnetic field exposure improved humoral and cellular processes involved in the regulation of cardiac rhythm.

M.A. Dudchenko, et al., “The Effect of Combined Treatment with the Use of Magnetotherapy on the Systemic Hemodynamics of Patients with Ischemic Heart Disease and Spinal Osteochondrosis,” Lik Sprava, (5), May 1992, . 40-43.

Results of this study showed exposure to low-frequency alternating magnetic fields had beneficial effects in children with primary arterial hypertension, as seen in the attenuation of sympathetic and vagotonic symptoms.

Y.B. Kirillov, et al., “Magneto therapy in Obliterating Vascular Diseases of the Lower Extremities,” Vopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult, (3), May-June 1992, 14-17.

In this article, the authors propose a new approach to treating atherosclerosis through the alteration of biophysical properties both intracellular and extra cellular. Citing their own preliminary data, they suggest atherosclerotic lesions might be selectively resolved without harming normal blood vessels allowing the lesions to take up the magnetically excitable submicron particles and then applying an external alternating electromagnetic field.

R.T. Gordon & D. Gordon, “Selective Resolution of Plaques and Treatment of Atherosclerosis Biophysical Alteration of “Cellular” and “Intracellular” Properties,” Medical Hypotheses, 7(2), February 1981, . 217-229.

This study examined the efficacy of the reinfusion of autologous blood following magnetic field exposure in hypertensive patients. Positive effects were found in 92 percent of patients receiving the treatment.

I.G. Alizade, et al., “Magnetic Treatment of Autologous Blood in the Combined Therapy of Hypertensive Patients,” Vopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult, (1), 1994, . 32-33

This controlled study examined the effects of magneto therapy in patients suffering from neurocirculatory hypotension (low blood pressure) or hypertension (high blood pressure).

Treatment consisted of a running pulsed magnetic field generated an “ALIMP” device (0.5 mT, 300Hz) administered for 20 minutes per day over a course of 10 days. Patients suffering from hypotension did not benefit significantly from the magneto therapy. Hypertension patients, however, showed a marked  improvement with respect to symptoms including headache, chest pain, extremity numbness, abnormal systolic and diastolic blood pressure, and work capacity.

L.L. Orlov, et al., “Effect of a Running Pulse Magnetic Field on Some Humoral Indices and Physical Capacity in Patients with Neurocirculatory Hypo- and Hypertension,” Biofizika, 41(4), 1996, . 944-948.

This double-blind, placebo-controlled study found that low-frequency, low intensity electrostatic fields (40-62 Hz) administered for 12-14 minutes per day helped normalize blood pressure in patients suffering from hypertension.

T.A. Kniazeva, “The Efficacy of Low-Intensity Exposures in Hypertension,” Vopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult, 1, 1994, . 8-9.

This study examined the effects of low-frequency alternating magnetic fields in patients suffering from arteriosclerosis or osteoarthrosis deformans. Treatment involved 10-15 minute daily leg exposures over a total of 15 days. Results showed the treatment to be effective in 80 percent of arteriosclerosis patients and 70 percent of those with osteoarthrosis formans.

A.G. Kakulia, “The Use of Sonic Band Magnetic Fields in Various Diseases,” Vopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult, 3, 1982, . 18-21.

This study examined the effects of low-frequency magnetic fields (25 mT) in patients suffering atherosclerotic encephalopathy. Treatment involved 10-15 minute daily exposures over a total of 10-15 applications. Results showed clinical improvements with respect to chest pain, vertigo, headache, and other symptoms.

S.S. Gabrielian, et al., “Use of Low-Frequency Magnetic Fields in the Treatment of Patients with Atherosclerotic Encephalopathy,” Vopr Kurortol Fizioter Lech Fiz Kult, 3, 1987, . 36-39.

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