Dr Bill Deagle – Host. Michael Alpough – Guest.
Dr. Bill Deagle:
To make sure that they make sense, so what I want to do is today, without getting way too technical, is if you look at your body and each tissue as either acid or alkaline, as just the density of electrons. And the tissue, if it doesn’t have electrons, it’s acid. When it doesn’t have enough electrons, it doesn’t make energy, these electrons. In fact, electrons goes through a system called the cytochromes into the mitochondria; make ATP, adenosine triphosphate, and NADH, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide hydride. So your body runs on electrons. When you pump in electrons, it increases the transmembrane difference of electrolytes on the other side, pumps sodium into the cell, out of the cell, and potassium in. That’s one of the main ones, the sodium-potassium ATPase.
When you use pulsed electromagnetic field, so you have several different effects. One is called cyclotron resonance, where it basically resonates with molecules in the body and increases electron density. So if it does that, it makes the tissue alkaline, it increases the energetics and so on.
Could you give us some more – I introduce Michael Alpough as our electromagnetic evangelist. Could you give us some more details of what pulsed magnetic field therapy does?
Michael Alpough:
Thank you, Bill, for having me on here. I mean to tell you, Bill’s wife she’s the greatest ladies you’re gonna meet. One of the strongest ladies you’re gonna meet. Do you want to know why Bill’s so good? He’s got a great wife behind him. The bottomline is…
Dr. Bill Deagle:
I’m the balloon, she’s the string. She keeps me kind of down to earth. I’m the creative, artistic doctor, laboratory doctor. You know the always-thinking-like-Einstein, and the equations and dreaming and images, and to always have…
The formulas we’re bringing on this year, mind-boggling, in terms of what they’re going to do to help the body heal from different conditions. It is, really to be honest, although it seems complicated, it’s actually very simple. All we’re doing is increasing the electron density in tissues. We’re making tissues resonate, so it has enough energy to actually heal itself. That’s basically what we’re doing. And the SomaPulse is the cleanest with what we call, signal-to-noise ratio machine available. Because it’s gonna pump them in over a long period time. You’ve got a sore ankle? Put the electrodes around your ankle. Half hour later, no pain. Six hours later, it’s gonna start healing. Next few days, boom, problem’s gone. We’re not just talking about pain blocking, we’re talking about pain relief because it fixes the problem.
Michael Alpough:
When you’re looking at your body – Let me just break it down simply to you, ladies and gentlemen. When you have all these smart meters, WiFi towers, cellphone towers that are actually taking away the electrical charge in your body. If you really want to get it down simple, what they do is they reduce the electrical charge in your body. Take your car, what happens when your car battery dies, the car’s still fine but it won’t start the engine. You must charge it. Same thing as yourself. If you’re running on – If a car runs on 8 cylinders, and 2 of them go down, it would still run, it may even run on 5, but it runs better on 8. And so ladies and gentlemen, you want to get the electrical charge, the full electrical charge of your cell. You have a hundred trillion of them, and each one has its own charge. And what happens to that, when you get that full charge?
What happens first of all, your immune system. Everyone talks about the immune diseases and everything. If you have a strong immune system, ladies and gentlemen, you could fight off pretty much anything in the body. So then also, what comes with that? It comes with better sleep. It comes with better recovery, as you work out. Because most of us don’t workout the way we want, why? Because we have no energy. Because we have no electrical charge in the cells at the cellular level. When you say to yourself, “You know, I just don’t feel like I have any energy today.” It starts with the cell not being charged.
Dr. Deagle and I have all these instruments that you guys don’t have. It measures the millivolt, the millivolt is 1/1000 of a volt, of a cell. We could measure these types of things. We can measure the field that surrounds you, the strength of all these mega-frequencies. Dr. Deagle can explain it to you in the most, deepest science of the best. But here’s the simple thing of it, when you’re rebuilding stem cells and you’re charging your body, you are at 100% capacity to heal, be real. Now remember, all these mega-frequencies, they are here, they are near. We’ve got to get used to it, by re-energizing the electrical charge in our cells. Right, Dr. Deagle?
Dr. Bill Deagle:
Yes, exactly. Now, the instrument is coming. I’m working actually with the design patterns for them. First is based on the microchip device I got from PC Enterprises, to measure the spectral pattern at each of the acupoint, because the collagen in your body exits an acupuncture. You may want to call it a superconductor normal temperature frequency spectral gate. And water is not just a solvent for biomolecules, it’s an informational solvent in your body. I think I’m the first to claim that term, informational solvent.
What happens is, the body and the cells are living light beings. In other words, all molecules vibrate in electromagnetic spectra frequencies and infrared. They also create electromagnetic spectra and infrared light spectra. They create sound called phonops. When you pulse with a SomaPulse or even the MediThera or a real powerful PMT-100, the SomaPulse is the most affordable of all the machines. And it has the highest, we call signal-to-noise ratio, if you put it on you don’t really feel too much. You can hear the device go, “bzzz, bzzz, bzzz” if you listen really quietly. The MediThera is frequency-specific, and the PMT is very, very powerful. You can only have 6 minutes on your body and your muscles will jump because the power is so strong.
But what you’re doing basically is charging up with all the devices, at specific frequencies, at tissues, so that you can have the energy to detox, energy to heal. The energy to rebuild bone and connective tissues. And down the road, we’re going to have devices like Bones tricorder, where you can wave it over an area and you could tell, “Oh, you’ve got breast cancer. You have a Parmeniscus. You can see connective tissue disruption.” You’ve got room for your theory, because you’ll see spectral patterns consistent with the specific disease. You can wave it over someone and tell the specific sub-type of, say, influenza or some pathogen. That’s where we’re going with this.
Michael Alpough:
As we go forward with this, ladies and gentlemen. SomaPulse is priced at $1,390. You can save up to $20,000 for one of these devices. SomaPulse comes with a money-back guarantee. You can have it for 60 days, and you can get your money back. I guarantee you, nobody ever returned anything to me and Dr. Deagle, because we know it’s real.
Call me at 760-420-2788. 760-420-2788. Call me with your questions. Dr. Deagle backs it up with his reputation, as well as I do. You cannot go wrong, but producing stem cells and having electrical charge. Also, there’s the MediThera. There’s people right now that are ordering the SomaPulse as their portable and home system, as well as the MediThera for their home system. You have a complete clinic right there. And of course, you have Dr. Deagle as a consultant. Any questions you want to get answered or if I can’t answer them, I’ve got Dr. Deagle who will give you a call or by email, and help you out here. So give me a call at 760-420-2788, and tell me, Dr. Deagle sent you.
Dr. Bill Deagle:
One of the things I think, the people should become they’re own expert wellness technician. Which means they’re taking, kind of got an idea of the kinds of problems they have. They don’t necessarily need to come up with a perfect diagnosis, because it really doesn’t matter what the cause of the problem is, whether it’s degenerative or inflammatory or osteo-arthritic or auto-immune. When you go through basic processes of detoxification, healing, regeneration, the basic ingredients to wellness are very similar for pretty much everything. Once you get the right nutraceuticals, you take the right energetic technologies, maybe add mild hyperbaric oxygen, moderate activity, change to ketogenic alkaline diet, the body will heal itself. You have to provide the building blocks, and you need the energetics, then even old injuries, decades old, will start to heal.
Get that number again, Michael?
Michael Alpough:
Dr. Bill Deagle:
Michael, I’d like you to repeat your number again. And then, I hear people have listened to this and other programs over the years, and they’ve heard about Rife Technology. And I wonder if you can make some comments about Rife. I’d like to make a couple out here, but I’d like your kick of the can.
Michael Alpough:
Sure. First, my number is 760-420-2788. That’s 760-420-2788. Give me a call, I’m giving out free shipping and also an extra 30 days on the SomaPulse. As opposed to 30 days, we’re going to give you 60 days to actually try the SomaPulse. Guaranteed that it will work. That’s how confident we are about it.
Rife Technology, my understanding, ladies and gentelemen, is frequency-based. And they have a list of different frequencies that heal the body. For example, you have something going on with your kidney, each part of your body has its own frequency waveform. Okay, this is another thing Dr. Deagle found on, so let’s say something’s going on with your kidneys, what the Rife machine can do is set to a frequency, based on their experience, on how that will heal your body. Something in your liver, that’s another frequency. So in a nutshell, the Rife device is, they work through certain frequencies that they can change. There’s a lot of good press release. I’ve heard some things, some good things about it. It’s been around for quite awhile. I personally don’t promote that in my own work, simply because, frequencies – everybody’s body is different, and Dr. Deagle can go and put you on this. But people are more a little sensitive, some people are high-sensitive, like me. I’m high-sensitive, I can take a charge like Dr. Deagle, while we have clients out there who are so sensitive. We have one lady, who was a Dr. Deagle client, who was so sensitive. We literally had to turn the MediThera on and she had to be 5 feet from it, just so she doesn’t get overwhelmed.
So again, each and everybody’s body is different. The Rife machine can generally do some good things, and that’s what I want to tell you about that. But you can tell them more on that Dr. Deagle.
Dr. Bill Deagle:
Yes. The Rife machine is based on research, they call it Rife research. So they don’t actually sell the machine as a therapy machine, it’s not permitted to be sold as a therapy machine. And the idea was, that these frequencies are arrived at one way or another, so research going way back to Raymond Rife or Dr. Steinsen. But the problem, as you mentioned, is everything is frequency-specific. And how do you identify those frequencies? Well, I don’t know if the people were just medically intuitive or they’re looking at the clinical response.
One of the things I was playing around with, when I was in my labs in Denver, was actually getting a spectra analyzer, it was used for microchips, measuring pico-volts and pico-amps. From what I discovered is that some of the things that Rife discovered was very cracked. It was called tissue and organ resonance, cyclotron resonance. The problem is those frequencies have to be very, very specific. It’s almost like the cross-hairs of a sniper. It has to be very specific or the target doesn’t get hit 2 miles away or a mile and a half away. If you’re not really on, you won’t shatter the pathogen, you won’t stimulate the specific enzyme. And by the way, you can use both. You can have a Rife machine, like the BX Rife machine, which is a pretty good one. There’s a couple of them, one’s being sold there now, only about from $600 to a few thousand dollars.
Providing more importantly, is you just simply raise the energetics of the tissue and the body will start to set up its own micro-currents and start healing. So you don’t have to fiddle around with frequencies. What we find by experience is that, ways when we raise the energetics of the tissue, people start generating the energy to have proper energy and the right frequency ranges yourself. In other words, you don’t have to actually select your frequency. In fact, if anything, and this is worked by some of the other doctors who have been doing work in this area. If you could record that micro-current at that frequency, and play it back or amplify it, it will be better than “find and select” a bunch of frequencies from a table or a book, and putting it on either the irradiator or other techniques. Unless you have really good clinical response to your Rife technician or doctor, and you found that certain conditions will respond.
You’ve got to remember that frequencies, also, if there’s a wrong frequency they can cause harm; while right frequencies, they can help. One other thing we did with the MediThera, is they’ve actually researched to make sure all the native frequencies were taken out. That means when you have a – the certain frequencies can be very deleterious to the body. And so the Germans have researched this, and they removed those native frequencies from the MediThera machine. You also have to know the waveform in the energy transfers, called the spectral energy transfer. Depending on the size of the molecule or biomolecule, if it’s not the right waveform, it’s not gonna transfer the energy to the specific molecules you wanted to. So I can only think that, if you want to use Rife, you literally need to have a pretty good experience, and you have to kind of do trial and error. And it’s hard to get recall of all the frequencies. If you do use Rife, you can use this machine in addition, so then your cells have the energy to actually heal. Otherwise, the Rife alone may not give you enough energy to heal. Generally, because you won’t generate the additional frequencies, the additional energetics.
So if you could remember it’s an orchestra. It’s not just one molecule or one group of frequencies that heal on tissue, it’s a whole orchestra of different frequencies, just like the human resonance of the Earth. The body will generate those frequencies when you raise the energetics. So my rule of thumb is, keep it simple. Oxygen, NutriMeds, energetics and stem cells. Stem cells are mobilized by Silver 100, VibraSlim, supported by Mountain Red Velvet, CollagenMax, MYCOD2 and Vitamin B3.
Michael Alpough:
When you say for example – Bill, let me tell you, give me an example of the gears with the right machine, and also let’s just say the SomaPulse. My partner and friend of 45 years, Russ, he’s one of those guys who’ll probably stick his finger in a light socket and it wouldn’t harm him, because his body can take such a charge. He had a tooth issue, a really bad tooth issue, and he went and checked out the right machine. And they said that they have a different frequency that would work for him. Again, some of it was, they said this particular medical frequency that they had would work. Well, it didn’t work for him. I’m not saying that this is a bad machinery thing, but let me just say this, when he kept calling me and said, “I’m still having problems with my tooth.” I brought the Soma, then we come down there, and let’s put the Soma on your mouth. His pain started almost immediately reducing, because of the pain – so that worked on him was a higher charge, that actually worked for him.
Everyone is different on how their bodies can accept frequencies. Even when you get these devices, you have to kind of find your way on what works, what frequency works. That’s called experimentation. That’s why everyone is always experimenting, and should be, on how they get their body better. So when you’re talking about these Rife machines, they’re good machines, at the same time…
Dr. Bill Deagle:
Well, I would say what they should do with Rife, is they should have what I’m working, actually with another company. I won’t mention the name of the company, but I’m working for the last decade or so on a new technology that measures frequency. Then, when they’re using this or a magnetic device, you’re going to get more accurate treatment.
But remember, it’s not just one frequency, it’s a spectral orchestra of frequencies. That’s why when you listen to an orchestra, you’re not listening to one frequency or I do barber shopping here in Southern California, it’s a harmony. You’re getting the sub-harmonics and super-harmonics. That harmonics and those sub-tones and so on, are created by the interaction of different frequencies, and they effect different parts of the mind, the emotion, et cetera.
The same way as the human resonance of the Earth, it’s a whole spectrum, a whole range of frequencies. It’s more complicated, let’s put it that way.
Michael Alpough:
Yes, the body is complicated.
Dr. Bill Deagle:
And even if you found the right technician, they’ll only be able to take tables on their screens as they try these frequencies. Ultimately, when they get to the bones in the 21st century, we need to have a tricorder that analyzes the frequencies and tells you, “Oh, you’ve got such-and-such a disease, we’re going to fix your bioelectric body.” Whether it’s some micro-current devices on the skin, which can happen, a Rife-type radiator, or I think, what the body works simply with, is just pulse energetics.
When you raise the energetic level of tissue, it develops its own micro-currents and its own frequencies, in the right frequency range. You don’t need to do research to find it, your body will do it once you raise the energetics. So then it obviates the need to try to find the 20 or 30 frequencies you need, it makes your body say, “Hey, I can generate those frequencies now. I can heal that joint. Stop that from further – Heal those inflamed eyes that had a retinal vein obstruction. Heal that traumatic brain injury, so the glial cells are not activated in the storm of free radical.”
I was watching the Super Bowl, they’re talking about what they’re gonna do to stop brain injury. I can tell them exactly what to do. Have hyperbaric chambers at the side, have pulsed magnetic field, take nutraceuticals to stop free radical generation before and after the traumatic injury or concussion that occurs on the field; and they wouldn’t have glial cell activation. Again, remember, post-traumatic brain injury is a metabolic process, not a structural one.
Michael Alpough:
Call 760-420-2788, ladies and gentlemen.
Dr. Bill Deagle:
Exactly. Remember, the basis for all illness is acidosis, which is electron deficiency. When you get electrons, and your body makes the energetics, you heal. The bioelectric body is healed first, the biochemical body next, the pathological body, then the structural body.