How do PEMF devices reduce pain in your body ElectroMeds

How do PEMF devices reduce pain in your body ElectroMeds How do PEMF devices reduce pain in your body ElectroMeds This is Michael with, your PEMF pro. Today I want to talk to you how these PEMF devices actually relieve pain. So let’s just say for...

PEMF DEVICES ElectroMeds com takes away the CONFUSION

PEMF DEVICES ElectroMeds com takes away the CONFUSION PEMF DEVICES ElectroMeds com takes away the CONFUSION This is Michael and I want to welcome you to electromeds. PEMF devices. They are probably giving you confusion as you search on the internet. Well, pulsed...

Compare MAS PEMF System to iMRS Video

Compare MAS PEMF System to iMRS Video     M.Hello, this is Michael with Today we’re going to be talking about the iMRS and the MAS. Those are some of the top systems in the world, and when you are deciding which one you’re going to pick, you...

PEMF Radio Interview 4 Mar 2013

I’m writing in such a way that the law should be technically accurate for those health professionals and a lot more reliable what Quantum Functional Medicine is. Basically, here’s why it’s called Quantum is because the primary mechanism by which your body is regulated...

PEMF Radio Interview 25 FEB 2013

Host – Dr. Bill Deagle / Guest – Michael Alpough Dr. Bill Deagle: I tell people, if you’re trying to regenerate tissues, turn off pain, the most portable machine is the SomaPulse. We also have of course the MediThera, which is super convenient. I...